Thursday, 3 November 2016
Friday, 2 September 2016
Weekly Reflectionnn
Hello humans
Today my teacher told me to do a reflection of this week so i guess i am going to arent i!
This Weeeeeek we have been focused on writing a great paragraph here is my writing:
(how to be a superhero)
Hi I’m MIND MAN and I going to teach you how to be a superhero!
As you know there are three main aspects of how to be a superhero, Your backstory, costume, and name.
A Backstory explains how you got your powers, what your powers are, and where you're from.
Did you see someone you loved brutally killed? or Did you grow up with the ability to fly on the planet Zanier? Whatever happened your backstory is one of your most important superhero traits.
What planet are you from? There are approximately 3 bazillion life giving planets (1 with a trillion zeroes on the end) in the universe. Whatever one you come from is either the truth or lie. You obviously can't come from a star like X-32 (the sun) unless your a minizard (which surprisingly are not that “mini”) or a meteor which is pretty obvious or a Frozen wasteland because you’ll…..well….freeze.
What powers do you have? My Powers -as you know- are telekinesis (move stuff with my mind), teleportation, and the elements (fire, water, earth, air). you could have electricity, or super knitting, super strength (what my father had), super speed (what my mother had), dark magic (what THE LEADER had) and many more. You also might not have a physical power you could have a mental power like super brains, super memory, or invisibility which are also very cool, or not have any powers at all just be really really really good at fighting like a person you people call Batman? Or Ironman? Or Black WIdow? Or my good friend Captain America!
What was your role? My role on my planet was prince, but were you a, slave, child, terrorist trying to do some good. Or where you just a normal person until something supernatural made you WANT TO RIP OFF THE HEADS OF THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED YOUR FAMILY!!!1! *sobbing angrily* sorry for that spaz… let's move on.
Your costume explains what your powers are. If you were called THE BONE CRUSHER and where big and bulky and very very very VERY strong. You wouldn't go into battle wearing a bright, hot pink, tutu. Would you?
Your superhero costume has to have colours relating to your powers. For instance, if you where BUG MAN you would wear green and your hat would presumably have antennae and ..maybe… you’d have dragonfly wings. Or if you were called ELECTRONIC MAN, you would wear yellow or green or blue the stereotypical colours of things things. Or DARK MASTER you would wear BLACK and have a BLACK cape and have BLACK gloves and you would wear all BLACK. Or Toastman? Would wear light brown or black if he's burnt….or like pink for the jam or something like that.
Your Superhero name implies what your powers are and who you are. If you die in battle, would you like to be remembered as The Ugly Pig?
Your Superhero name, like your costume, implies what your powers are. It is going to be one of the most important tidbits about your persona. Imagine your name in lights. Does "Gregarious Greg" really have the ring to it you want (you can do better than that!)? Is "Looks Good in Yellow Girl" doing yourself justice? Or is The Ugly Pig really good for your popularity. Your name is what you’ll be remembered for so whatever you want to be known for is you choice
I hope this talk has been very informative about
This week for maths i have been focusing on eliminatijngkjbgkljbrvliuvgb;iuksv it is very good for your brain to work on everyday...for the rest if your ssad life
That is my reflection i hope you like it!!!!!!! #tootiredtowrite
Monday, 22 August 2016
Armenian Rug Problem
All these Armenian Rug Puzzles have three things in common. the hidden rugs are rectangular.
- they must be placed orthogonally (not diagonally.)
- a corner of a rug cannot lie on the edge of another rug.
- the clues are pegs. When the puzzles are complete, these pegs will lie on the perimeter of exactly one rug.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Blog Basic facts reflection.
Here is my basic facts reflection for the week.
Tuesday - 97
Wednesday - 93
Thursday - 99
Friday - 99
Tuesday - 97
Wednesday - 93
Thursday - 99
Friday - 99
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Maths Reflection
Good Moro my Children
Sorry I have no idea what i'm saying.
anyway back to my reflection...
for maths today our class has been doing a thing called...
which is where a couple of questions come together and make like a booklet or page we were meant to do one question but me and my mate JACK and SAMARA and PARIS did nearly all of them sooo... yeah...
The first one was a clock. yeah a clock thang.
we had to draw five lines on a clock to make each segment add up to the same numberrrr. The number they all added up to was, is, thirteen. let me show you a diagram of it.
you see how in between the lines both the numbers add up to 13. We had to figure out what number was going to go in-between these lines. it was a trial and error thing at first i didnt get it but in the end i did. it was a mildly hard thing to do but we got it in the end.
Thank you for reading my post
if you like it leave a comment i will allow any comment if its not inappropriate.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Reflection of learning
Hello Children or adults (idk)
Today i will be telling you a story of my learning this term.
For writing I have learnt the aspects of a thing called draft.
Talk it out
For maths this term I have been focusing on long multiplication without carrying and short division also enlargements. I did a enlargement of cinnamon bun from adventure time.
For topic we have been doing a thing called learnz. Learnz is a thing where people take you on a virtual field trip. This trip is on a waka voyage over the cook strait. I was in fiji for most of the trip so i missed out but most of my classmates have some info on it so go to there blogs to find out!!
Thank you for reading my reflection
Today i will be telling you a story of my learning this term.
For writing I have learnt the aspects of a thing called draft.
Talk it out
For maths this term I have been focusing on long multiplication without carrying and short division also enlargements. I did a enlargement of cinnamon bun from adventure time.
For topic we have been doing a thing called learnz. Learnz is a thing where people take you on a virtual field trip. This trip is on a waka voyage over the cook strait. I was in fiji for most of the trip so i missed out but most of my classmates have some info on it so go to there blogs to find out!!
Thank you for reading my reflection
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Reflection of Maths
For maths this week I looked at Rounding decimals.
Adding and subtracting decimals is quite easy once you learn how to do it.
For Example:
33.456375 rounded to the third decimal place. What you have to do is...
*scientist voice* when you round it to the third decimal place you check the number before it to see if it is over or under five and in this case the number before it is 3 so it is under five so the rounded number is
33.456 BUT if it was over five the last number would be one number up like this 33.457.
Thx for looking at my post!!
Friday, 8 April 2016
Favourite Part 1 (Music, Writers, Animals)
You guys dont know that much about me because I only post about things that interest me like Mythology and stuff like that but today I am going to tell you my favourite things in these 3 Categories
1. Favourite Song/Artist
OK so my favourite song at the moment is..............Batman By Dropkillers. Its a good song, actually its not a song its genre is future bass, definition: Future Bass can include music from any genre that emphasis a hard bass line but actually refers to music that can not be categorized into one specific genre. My Favourite Artist is probs TRAPNATION on YouTube because they have really good remixes. My favourite one is probably Batman by Dropkillers even though I said it before its quite cool and I recommend it for allot of people who like Future Bass and stuff like that.
2. Favourite Writer/s
My favourite writer in the world is (No doubt about it) Rick Riordan. He Writes:
2. Favourite Writer/s
My favourite writer in the world is (No doubt about it) Rick Riordan. He Writes:
- Percy Jackson
- Kane Chronicles
- Heroes of Olympus
- Magnus Chase
- Trials of Apollo
I like Writing stories and I am writing a story at the moment about a girl who lives in space and a war has broken out between two major companies and she is trying to stop the war because the companies are fighting over the girls planet and in the end the companies are going to destroy it and the girl doesn't want that so (as I said before) wants to stop her planet from being blown up so- You get the idea. If you have any ideas for title names or anything like that or what should happen post them in the comments!!
3. Favourite Animal/s
My favourite animal is a FOX and a Maned Wolf I just love the way they are so sly and quick and so unbelievably clever. A male Fox is called a dog and a female fox is called a vixen. A baby fox is called a cub. There are many different types of foxes but my favourite is probably a Red fox because the colour of their coat is so cool and their call is so weird.....Oh No......What did I just start...WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY
Ok so that is the end of my post if you want to leave a cvomment on what your favourite things are, go ahead, be my guest.
Toodleoo Guys
Ok so that is the end of my post if you want to leave a cvomment on what your favourite things are, go ahead, be my guest.
Toodleoo Guys
Jeremy is walking on the sea until he gets to Australia when a Polar Bear pushes him into a hole. Where he meets a Penguin that can grow to the size of an elephant. It flys me to the top of an african plain in England. I jump up into the sky and see a god called penelope were he grows me into a flower and drops me back down to earth. I swim across the Ice and hit a rock the size of an ant and realize that I left the tap running. I rush back to my pet unicorn that is behind who is in laughland, around the corner from Sweden and he makes me and icecream the size of a mountain. I unhook my jaw to eat it when suddenly I feel funny. I run around the front lawn when a bird pecked me on the arm am I hit him across the beak and his beak Fell off. Frederick my pet rock jumps off a dog called rupert into a pool of lemonade were he swims to america to eat a cow.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Floating or Sinking Update
Ok so this post is the update linked to this Post about how many Fence staples we had in our boat.
10 fence staples were in out boat before it sank with this design.
P.S please comment what you want me to talk bout/Blog about next. THANKS
Friday, 18 March 2016
💧 Floating or Sinking Experiment 💧
Today we are doing basically Science all day. I did my experiment with this chap here. 1We are doing a Floating or Sinking Experiment where we make a raft out of plasticine and ship it off with fencing staples in it. We made three designs. The first design I, Sadly, Didn't get a photo of but it looked a little bit like this.
Our Second Design we put in the water and it just floated...just. This is what it looked like:
Our 3rd Design went really well and it floated we haven't put the Staples in yet so I cant tell you I might do an update on how many we staples we got on the boat without it sinking so yeah. This is our third Design:
❄️ Why does Ice Float? ❄️
Today In Science We were talking about Floating and Sinking I decided to do a presentation on
Why Ice Floats?
So here it is...
Also Please leave a comment if you liked it That would be much appreciated :)
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Today is the day that I will be talking to you about Norse Gods. Norse gods are the gods of Vikings. They Include the gods like THOR which has become a hit movie in 2014 an- Sorry got carried away lets get going with the Norse Gods.

Odin was the chief god in the Norse mythology, and the father of Thor, Balder, Hoder, Tyr, Bragi, Heimdall, Ull, Vidar, Hermod and Vali. His wives were Fjorgyn, Frigga and Rind. He had a bad habit to roam around Midgard in human disguise seducing and impregnating women. This is why many mortals were able to trace their ancestry back to him.
Thor was the son of Odin and Fjorgyn. He was the god of thunder, the sky, fertility and the law. Armed with his strength-giving items, a belt and the hammer Mjölnir, he had a simple way of righting wrongs: he more or less killed everything that moved. The other gods -mostly Loki- occasionally took advantage of Thor's simplicity.
Loki can be called the 'wizard of lies' and is in many ways the most interesting god in Asgard. Loki was related to Odin, but their relationship was rather strange. He came to Asgard either as of right or because Odin and he entered into a blood-brotherhood.
Frey was a fertility god of the the Vanir race. He was the son of Njord and came to Asgard as a hostage along with his father and sister Freya.
Freya was the goddess of sex and later also war and death. She married the god Od, who deserted her. After being abandoned she divided her time between mourning his absence and being promiscuous.
The goddess of spring and immortal youth was called Idun. She was the daughter of the dwarf Ivald and married to the god Bragi.
Sif was the goddess who married Thor and bore his stepson (by Odin), Ull. The Vikings (and their gods) admired golden hair, and she was exceptionally proud of hers, so Loki cut it all off while she was asleep.
Hel was a goddess (or a monster), a daughter of Loki and Angrboda, who ruled over Niflheim, which was the land of the dead. There were different opinions of whether she was alive or dead. Ull, in his role as god of winter, was supposed to spend a few months each year as Hel's lover. Hel and her ghostly army were going to support the other gods at Ragnarok, after which her domain would go out in flames.
P.S I am stopping doing the current mood thing and not doing anything at all :).
P.S I am stopping doing the current mood thing and not doing anything at all :).
🐺 Fenris Wolf 🐺
This post is all about Norse mythology and Fenris/Fenrir wolf. Some people might believe in these gods and think that Odin and Thor and Loki are real. Some people dont believe in any of these things and thats O.k people are allowed to have there own beliefs BUT I'm going off topic, lets start with Fenris:
Fenris/Fenrir is a Wolf the size of a Medium size horse. He is the most infamous wolf of Norse Mythology. He is the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða (don't know how to pronounce this) which makes him the brother of the Serpent Jormungand better know as the world serpent and the underworld goddess Hel
(also his uncle is THOR).
Monday, 14 March 2016
😸 Pokemon 😸
Everyone on my blog should know what a Pokemon is. Pikachu, Bulbasour, Charizard, and Squirtle. These Guys:
Pokemon is one of the most well know video games and Anime T.V shows around the world. Here is a link to which Classic pokemon you are right here. I got Pikachu, If you dont know who Pikachu is you actually live under a rock. He is and electronic based Pokemon and can grow up to be called Raichu. Their are many different Pokemon in that world of Pokemon World... That is literally just the name of the world, Not Earth of like some elvish stuff called like Almeria or something it is just called Pokemon World.
*claps sarcastically* WOW so Original.
Did you know that Pokemon (The Word) is actually English! it is the words Pocket monsters shortened see:
*claps sarcastically* WOW so Original.
Did you know that Pokemon (The Word) is actually English! it is the words Pocket monsters shortened see:
There are different types of pokemon and the elements are:
In Pokemon Gold and Silver, Two new types were added and they were Dark and Steel and in Pokemon X and Y another type was added and it was Fairy
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Fast and Slow:
Mt Kahikatea was fun… I guess. I mean, I didn't say it wasn't fun because it was and I didn't say it was fun either because and I sweated a lot and it was clay but it was fun when we passed the horses because they got scared and neighed and walked around and it was I slipped over a couple times and the tree roots were everywhere. The trees where medium high and there was a couple bits where i got lost and it was relieving when I saw that top. When we got to the top we ate lunch I had a sandwich and then we waited for everyone else to get up to the top because a group of us broke through the group and we got to the front. We went to the lookout and it was the view was amazing.
“Want some Pizza shapes Finlay”
“Yeah O.K I like them.”
I remembered we had to get back down. We sprinted down and everything was a blur me and Nikita stuck together and we helped shaun when he slipped over and I hurt my ankle and then we reached the bottom.
well...better do it now...
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
🐼 The Legend of the winged Panda 🐼
Today as you can see by the title today I will be telling you about a legendary creature that was made by a DRAGON (*RAAAAAAAAA*) and a Panda (*CHOMP*) This is...

The Legend of the winged panda is about (of course) a WINGED PANDA. This is a Finlayese legend from Finlayland which is between Finland and Sweden. The only reason its not on the map is because... If you dont know me well like this chap HERE who is a little bit mental and like other people that know me well you don't see it, you fly over it or you walk straight through it while crossing the border from Finland To Sweden. This story is rated PG and children that are afraid of Panda-Dragon mutations should probably not read this. ANYWAY back to the story One Day BOB the panda was walking through the forest when Jemima the Dragon passed BOB and it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. They were together for a long time untill Jemima had BOB's child and BOB fled not knowing what was going on. When Jemima had BOB's son she decided to name it Leo because... Just because. Leo was born a panda and when he got to about three years old his wings popped out from his back. They were pretty small and they couldn't lift him up but as he got older they drastically changed and got bigger. when he was 15 BOB came back to see his son. Leo was furious, so furious that, since he was part dragon, blew fire out of his mouth and killed his father. Leo was so taken back in sadness that he cut off his wings and bled to death.
Some say that Leo found a Graceful dragon called Opal that was as purple as the night sky and they had another Dragon-Panda hybrid. (A Dragon that eats bamboo and has round fuzzy ears.) Some say that he still lives today but who knows...
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