Good day to you I am writing to you today about the 40 Book Challenge and I am feeling very excited about it. I feel very happy because I love reading but first I should tell you about the 40 Book Challenge and what it is. The 40 book challenge is a challenge for reading, you have to read 40 books in a whole year and I am a very talented reader because I read allot. I am very excited about the 40 book challenge but their is also the A-Z master and that is a fact file. For every book that you have read in the year you pick a place or thing out of the book and figure out ten facts about the place or thing that you have chosen. The book that I am reading is called LIES it is about a boy who can shoot light out of his hands. We are going to Arthur's pass for camp.
That was cool what you said about that everyone was in iron amour and in a wood house. I think I saw you said you are going to Arthur's pass I think I have only been through it so I Guess it will be cool to stay in it.