Wednesday 7 May 2014

Kiwi Kids News - Upside Down House

Everybody has heard of an upside down cake, but what about and upside down house?

A house in Shanghai has an upside down house instead of a flat one that drew hundreds of visitors to it. They had people walking on the ceiling and taking photos near upside down chairs and sofas. People said that it was strange walking on the floor that sloped inwards to ward the centre and people came out feeling a little bit strange and a little bit dizzy.

(This is the upside down house.)


  1. Hi Finlay
    That upside down house sounds funny.
    I have also been to a place like that but in one of the rooms everything was on a angle.
    Have you ever been to a different place that is funny?

  2. Hi Finlay that sounds cool but do you know if it was on accident or purpose accident like the wind for an example.


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