Down by the lake on a cold autumn night I run around the woods to find the perfect piece of wood to shove my marshmallow on, then I hear screaming coming from the west of the woods. It was like something had attacked them and then I look around and find it. I grab it and run back to the flame. I feel like someones watching me and I plant my body on the log, I grab a marshmallow and put it on the stick. The crackling of the fire cooks the marshmallow. When I turn around I see two huge green eyes as green as the grass and a black body as black as the night sky. There was blood as red as a heart dripping from the creatures mouth. I turn and look at the fire, its getting bigger and brighter as I keep looking. I run into my tent and grab my blanket the monster rips my tent and I hide in my sleeping bag. I peek above the tip of it and then I see the monster, I quickly run and grab my blanket. I throw it over the creature and he gets tangled up in the violet and white striped blanket. Then he rips the blanket with his teeth, as sharp as knives. I then throw twigs and big sticks at the creature and it is still not hurt. I suddenly feel sorry for the creature, and I stop throwing sticks at it. I pick up the bag of marshmallows and I give it one. It nudges my hand and I get another one. I then put my hand out and pat it. The sun was rising and I brought the creature into the light and I see that it was a dragon. He shows a sign that he wants me to jump on his back he starts to flap his wings and I hold on tightly I now knew that we would be best friends forever.
NSL:Maintain Tense
NSL: Self check FIRST.